Friday, 7 September 2012

Con Wars: Return Of The Dee (sort of)


Long time no updates, eh? A thousand apologies to you guys for the lack of news on the Dee-Con 2013 front. However! We've not been sitting idle.

If you read our last blog post, you'll remember I talked a lot about wanting to "pass on the torch" to our 4th year Animation successors from Duncan Of Jordanstone. This is still the case, and we're extremely happy to announce that there will be another Con in 2013!!!

In the beginning, due to internal differences, we agreed that Dee-Con would only be a one-time event.  Which is still the case. The entire committee from 2012 are stepping down to a brand new group of organisers. We'll still be giving them a hand now and then, but it's very much their Convention. We're really excited to see how they'll improve upon 2012's amazing success. It's really important for us to keep things improving, and keep them fresh. By providing a new committee each year it ensures the lack of ownership and continued development of the Con.

Which leads me on to the second point, the 2013 organisers have decided (and we completely agree) that a new name is required in order to emphasise the beginning of a new era! Seeing as it's going to be the 4th year Animators at Duncan of Jordanstone (DoJ) organising the events for the foreseeable future, they've settled on DOJ-CON!

Please join their Facebook Page and spread the word! They're also working on a Website, as well as a Tiwtter and blog for all your Doj-Con news.

We'll continue to update our blog and Facebook in weeks to come to help spread the news. It's been great having so many dedicated fans following us throughout the 2012 event, and I know you'll give them the same support.

So get working on those cosplays! (seeing as we got such grief for the short notice last time... =P )

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Post Dee-Day Breakdown

With just over a week since Dee-Con 2012, we figured this would be a good time to reflect upon the event, address some current affairs, and talk about what the future holds for Dee-Con.

First thing's first, thank you to all the people who helped us organise an entire days worth of events. The DUSA staff were a pleasure to work with throughout the entire process, and their help was invaluable. Another big shout out to all the individuals who contributed to the event, all our artists, staff, guest speakers, photographers, DJs, live acts, film distributors, video game organisers, the Kendo club,  NEO Magazine... we appreciate the amount of effort and commitment from all of you. 11 weeks is a short time to organise a Con of this scale, and you all made it as easy as possible. 

Secondly, the biggest thank you to everybody who attended, you made it a success. We received the final numbers from the venue last week, and we had a peak of 1,200 people in the building at one point, with an estimated 1,500 attendees throughout the day. According to DUSA's statistics, this makes it the biggest convention ever held at The Union, and it's all down to you guys. 

On top of that, you helped fund the Animation degree show at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design. Dee-Con was run by animation students, not only as a celebration of what we live and breathe, but also as an opportunity to raise funds to help support the course. You all directly contributed towards that, and we are extremely grateful. You can visit the degree show from the 19th-25th of May at DJCAD if anybody is interested. 

All in all, the feedback we've received about the event has been overwhelmingly positive. I think we can all agree that the event was a success. It makes us feel all warm and fuzzy inside knowing so many people enjoyed it, and we enjoyed hosting it. The amount of fans we've gathered and their continued support is humbling... which leads me onto the next point.

We are aware of the current "drama" spreading via Facebook, Tumblr and 4chan etc. concerning the public (and not so public) attempts of slandering Dee-Con. We've remained entirely silent on the subject, as we don't want to contribute to any kind of childish name bashing, regardless of what has been spread about us.

That said, we were surprised and overwhelmed by the amount of support we received from the Anime/Cosplay community. Our intentions with Dee-Con have only ever been honourable, and we're glad 
people realise and appreciate that. All we ask is that our supporters follow our example and not aggressively engage or respond to the petty tactics we've witnessed over the past few days. 

The most important thing we've come to realise, is that it's really all about the community. It's not about boosting ego, it's not about glory, it's not about money, it's not about management, it's about putting on an event that benefits you... because without you, none of this would be possible.

On that note, the future of Dee-Con is at this point uncertain. It's our hope and intention that Dee-Con will continue to be organised by final year Animation students, in order to benefit both the anime community and the course. This means that each year the committee will be comprised of entirely new people, which will ensure a complete lack of ownership. We firmly believe Dee-Con doesn't belong to any individual, if anything it belongs to you, the community. 

We are in discussions about next year, but nothing has been confirmed. However I can assure you, as soon as we know... you'll know.

Thanks again, and stay classy,

Team Dee-Con 2012. 

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Venue layout.

Here's a simple graphic of the Union layout to help explain where everything is taking place. We'll have fliers prepared on the day with this on one side, and the schedule on the other. 

Monday, 26 March 2012

Confirmed Events Schedule.

Here's the finalised schedule for the days events. You can find more info on the seminars and talks in the previous blog post HERE. Some of them should be really interesting! If you've got any questions feel free to post on our Facebook page... You'll usually get a pretty prompt response.

Monday, 19 March 2012

Seminar timetable confirmed!!

We are pleased to announce that all our guest speakers and panellists have been confirmed! Talks will take place in Meeting Room 2 and the timetable will proceed as follows:

1pm: Lolita Fashion - Terry Krueger and Ailsa Partridge

An Introduction to Lolita Fashion

Candy curls and cupcake skirts, bonnets and bows, frills and florals - sound familiar? You may have spotted a lolita. But what exactly is lolita? Terri Krueger will take you through the looking glass with an introduction to this intricate fashion, as well as some tips on how to achieve the look for yourself.

The Myths About Lolita Fashion in Tokyo

After a long love affair with lolita fashion, Ailsa Partridge abandoned the cobbled streets of Edinburgh to make her home amid the neon skyscrapers of Tokyo. When she arrived, she quickly realised that not everything she'd been led to believe was true. Join her as she relives her voyage of discovery: the truths, the myths, and the outright surprises encountered by a Scottish lolita in Tokyo.

After the talks, there will be an open Q&A session; alternatively, if you'd like the speakers to address anything particular in their talks then go ahead and post on the Dee-Con Facebook page!

2pm: Cosplay 101 - Yuki

Whether you have never cosplayed before, are new to the scene, or are a veteran just looking for some refreshing tips, this is the place for you! Come to learn about some of the basics of cosplay, from picking out a good character to picking out the perfect wig and everything in between. There will also be a lot of time to ask your questions and I will answer them as best I can!

3pm: Manga: A Global Phenomenon - Dr Chris Murray (MLitt in Comics Studies Course Leader, Director of Scottish Centre for Comics Studies)

This talk will explore the origins of manga, and its development in Japan, before considering how it spread throughout the world, tracing its influence on the comics cultures that it encountered. The particular focus will be on the different ways it influenced Western and Eastern comics, from its profound effect on American comics in the 1980s, and the ongoing influence throughout Europe, to the developing Chinese comics scene. The talk will address the aesthetic and formal impact of the various Japanese styles of comics outside Japan, and will throw open several questions for debate, including, whether the influence of manga on other comics cultures has always been a positive development, whether the influence and spread of manga is likely to continue or is waning, and how the rise of manga has changed the comics industry, and readership.

4pm: How to Draw Anime - Alice De Ste Croix aka DestinyBlue

This workshop starts with the basics of constructing anime characters before going onto more complex tips and techniques used by the pros. It teaches the use and importance of guidelines to help you get features places correctly, how to draw and shade consistently good anime eyes and how to make sure you get those body proportions right.

5pm: Scotland Loves Anime – Andrew Partridge

In this talk, Andrew Partridge will talk about his work as director of acclaimed animation festival, Scotland Loves Anime, and about the promotion and proliferation of animation across the UK and beyond.

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Dee-Con 2012 is still happening.

Unfortunately there was a minor hiccup with the Facebook event page for Dee-Con 2012, and the event page has since been deleted, which in turn notified everybody that the event was cancelled.

Dee-Con 2012 is NOT cancelled. All previous details still stand. Saturday the 7th of April, Mid day until 2.30am (including 18+ afterparty).

We're sorry for any confusion, but the situation was entirely outwith our hands. The Facebook event was hosted by the former D-Con group, which has expired and been archived.

Please spread the word, as there were around 200 attendees on the group who don't follow the Official Dee-Con 2012 Facebook Group (<click that and join if you haven't already).

Again, sorry for the confusion, hopefully this won't cause any problems. Expect a new facebook event page as soon as possible.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Cosplay Events

Calling all cosplayers!

The cosplay events for Dee-Con 2012 will include both a competition and a general masquerade. This means that cosplayers with non-handmade cosplays will be able to show them off on stage as well as those with handmade cosplays.

Applications for the competition and masquerade are to be made prior to the day. Please contact for an application form. There are Microsoft Word, Word Pad and PDF versions of the form available. Please specify which one you will need. If you need the form in another format this will try to be accommodated.

Competition Entrants:

If you wish to enter the competition your cosplay must consist mostly of pieces made from scratch or pieces that have been significantly modified by yourself or someone you are representing. If you are modelling the cosplay for someone else you must provide the name of the creator who must be there at the time of judging. Entrants will be judged prior to going on stage.

Masquerade Entrants: 

The masquerade is for all cosplayers. If you want to show your cosplay off on stage but do not have a handmade cosplay please enter for the masquerade. You will not qualify for the competition in a bought cosplay or one which has not been modified enough. If you have a handmade cosplay but do not wish to be judged please feel free to enter the masquerade also.

All Entrants:

Groups are welcome however due to time restrictions skits unfortunately cannot be performed. If you are entering as a group each member must fill in their own form. There is a section for you to mention the other members of the group.

More information is provided with the application form. Please read this information. It includes important points you need to know before applying.

Applications must be returned BEFORE Friday the 6th of April 2012. 

If you have any other questions please contact

See you guys then!

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Applications for Artist's Alley now on!

We're pleased to announce that the applications for the Artist's Alley are now being accepted! 

Please read the entire post for all the details, as there are some important changes this year. 

The first big change that we have to stress is that tables will not be free this year. We're really sorry, but the unfortunate reality is that even though Dee-Con is a free event, it costs a lot to run. Don't freak out though, we think the pricing plan for tables is very reasonable, and will only cost the average seller £5. We're not making money from you, all the income from tables goes directly into funding the event. By agreeing to pay for tables you directly contribute to the running of Dee-Con, and we're very grateful. We'll do everything we can to make your day as streamlined, easy and enjoyable as possible. 

On that note, if you're selling things you've made yourself (prints, artwork, clothing, keychains etc.) read below. If you're selling commercial items that you have not made (imported goods, plushies, clothing etc.) please slip to the "Commercial goods sellers" section further down.  

Hand-made sellers:

In order to cover the costs of hiring and transporting 60 tables, each seller will be required to pay £5 on the day of the event. Please ensure you bring something with your name on it (ID, bank card, student card) so we can confirm your table booking and payment. 

In order to apply, please read the following.

- Email and include the following:
          - Full name.
          - Examples of your work (We accept links to DeviantArt, Flickr, Etsy or email attachments)
          - Contact telephone number (preferably mobile number)
          - Acknowledgement that you will be required to pay £5 on the day of the event.

- You will receive a reply on the 8th of February to confirm if you've got a table. This will contain all the details  you'll need to arrive and set up on the day. Tables will be given on a first come first serve basis. Please don't keep contacting us to ask why you've not received a reply until after the 8th of February at the earliest.

- The application process will be ongoing until a week or two before the event, providing there are still tables available. We'll let you know when tables are sold out.

- Applications are on a table by table basis, assistants/friends sharing a table is absolutely fine but please inform us in your application if you are sharing. If the other person is also selling, please include their details and work examples in your email. You will only be asked for one payment of £5 per table.

- Table dimensions are roughly 6ft by 2.5ft. Table cloths are not supplied, we advise bringing one as the table surface can be quite slippery. 

That's pretty much everything you need to know, if you've got any questions please don't hesitate to get in touch. There's additional contact details at the bottom. 

Commercial goods sellers:

Commercial sellers include people selling non hand made goods such as imported plushies, backpacks, badges, clothing and merchandise. This does not include officially licensed retailers and partners, if you're a licensed retailer interested in having a stall at Dee-Con please contact with "Licensed Retailer" in the subject line and we can put you in contact with The Union. 

Independent commercial goods sellers will be required to pay £30 per table in advance of the event. This is due to the fact that these stalls make considerably more money than those selling hand made artwork, and an increased table fee helps balance the cost. However, these tables will have priority placement in the venue. 

If you're interested in reserving a table for this purpose;

- Please email with "Independent Retailer" in the subject line, and include the following:
          - Full name.
          - A rough example of what you will be selling.
          - How many tables you require (max. 2 per person) 
          - Contact telephone number (preferably mobile number).
          - Acknowledgement that you will be required to pay £30 in advance of the event. 

- We will reply to you as soon as possible with payment details. We're currently looking into setting up a PayPal account to safely handle these transactions. 

- After payment has been completed, you will receive a confirmation email containing details of the event. As stated previously, your tables will have priority placement in the venue. 

For everybody:

We hope that was informative, but if anything isn't clear please contact the relevant email addresses.

For general enquiries or information, please drop us an email at and we'll reply as soon as possible, alternatively you can reach is via Facebook.

Also, our brand new website is now live! We'll be updating it periodically with line up details, guests, events, timetables and all sorts of info and goodies. Get it bookmarked! 

See you on the 7th of April =D 

Monday, 23 January 2012

Exhibitor applications coming soon! + New Dee-Con artwork.

We've been receiving a lot of requests for exhibitor applications. We're just finalising the web hosting and domain names, at which point we'll be creating email addresses which you can contact to apply for tables. Expect that within the next day or two, as well as a shiny new website!

Also, the ever-talented Lynsey Schaschke has created some fantastic new artwork for our headers and banners, which celebrates the new year of the Dragon! (Also... is that some post-it notes I spy?) There'll be a selection of illustrations for the various promotional materials in the run up to the event.

Don't forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for the latest updates!

Friday, 20 January 2012

Dee-Con 2012 Confirmed!


As we're sure many of you are aware, there has been a lot of confusion recently regarding the organisation of D-Con 2012. 

Thankfully, our internal debates have been settled and all parties have reached an agreement. The jist of it is, D-Con is not yet confirmed to run in 2012. However! We're very pleased to announce that the brand new, free, anime/art convention "Dee-Con" will be running on Saturday the 7th of April 2012. 

D-Con is en event organised by former Animation students of DJCAD, as those organisers have now successfully graduated, it is our intention (as current Animation students) to continue to support the Animation department and host another free anime/art convention in Dundee. Dee-Con is the result of this.

We'd like to acknowledge that this event wouldn't be possible without the continued efforts of the team who brought you D-Con. As far as we're aware, they are looking into ways to expand D-Con out-with the University of Dundee so hopefully we've not seen the last of it.

In the mean time however, we're glad to accept their approval in order to bring you, the fans, another free anime/art convention that is up to the standard you've come to expect from Dundee. We'll have plenty of exhibitors, entertainment, video game tournaments, live music, presentations, demonstrations and promotions to ensure you get a top quality experience as always. 

We'll release more details next week once we've got everything in order, what we can confirm at the moment is that Dee-Con 2012 will take place for one day only on Saturday the 7th of April. We apologise for the change in date, but the 31st clashed with 2 other UK conventions and hosting ours on the same date was not an option. There will also be an official 18+ Dee-Con afterparty in The Union, which you might want to take into consideration when planning your arrangements. 

There will be a call for artists and exhibitors next week (beginning the 23rd).

Please follow us on Facebook here to ensure you don't miss out on anything important.  

Stay tuned for more information, and we hope you're as excited as we are! 

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

The Situation.

There's some debate online questioning the authority and authenticity of the current D-Con 2012 event. We'd like to clarify what's going on. The situation as it stands is, the right to organise the event is being contested by a previous organiser.

We apologise for any confusion, but the dispute will be settled in the near future. What we can confirm, is that there will be a free anime/arts convention held in Dundee on the projected date (which is subject to change). This event is fully endorsed by the Dundee University Student Association, DJCAD, and The Union. Whether this is called D-Con remains to be seen, but we've got a dedicated, experienced and enthusiastic committee working on making it the successful and enjoyable event you've all come to expect.

For the time being, we'll be promoting the event under the D-Con name. If you've got any specific enquiries feel free to email and we'll try to get back to you as soon as possible. In the mean time, you can stay up to date on current affairs by liking us on Facebook. You can view and respond to the Facebook event here. If you've not got a Blogger or Google account, you can receive blog updates via email by registering on the right hand column. 

This event is for you, the fans, and we will do everything in our power to make it happen. Keep spreading the word, and stay tuned.

It's Happening!

We're pleased to confirm, D-Con 2012 will be held on Saturday the 7th of April! Scotland's biggest free anime/art convention is happening!

More details of the event will be released soon. You can stay up to date by joining the blog, liking us on Facebook, and following us on Twitter.

We will be looking for exhibitors, artists and presenters within the coming weeks.

We look forward to seeing you again,

Team D-Con