Friday, 7 September 2012

Con Wars: Return Of The Dee (sort of)


Long time no updates, eh? A thousand apologies to you guys for the lack of news on the Dee-Con 2013 front. However! We've not been sitting idle.

If you read our last blog post, you'll remember I talked a lot about wanting to "pass on the torch" to our 4th year Animation successors from Duncan Of Jordanstone. This is still the case, and we're extremely happy to announce that there will be another Con in 2013!!!

In the beginning, due to internal differences, we agreed that Dee-Con would only be a one-time event.  Which is still the case. The entire committee from 2012 are stepping down to a brand new group of organisers. We'll still be giving them a hand now and then, but it's very much their Convention. We're really excited to see how they'll improve upon 2012's amazing success. It's really important for us to keep things improving, and keep them fresh. By providing a new committee each year it ensures the lack of ownership and continued development of the Con.

Which leads me on to the second point, the 2013 organisers have decided (and we completely agree) that a new name is required in order to emphasise the beginning of a new era! Seeing as it's going to be the 4th year Animators at Duncan of Jordanstone (DoJ) organising the events for the foreseeable future, they've settled on DOJ-CON!

Please join their Facebook Page and spread the word! They're also working on a Website, as well as a Tiwtter and blog for all your Doj-Con news.

We'll continue to update our blog and Facebook in weeks to come to help spread the news. It's been great having so many dedicated fans following us throughout the 2012 event, and I know you'll give them the same support.

So get working on those cosplays! (seeing as we got such grief for the short notice last time... =P )

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