As we're sure many of you are aware, there has been a lot of confusion recently regarding the organisation of D-Con 2012.
Thankfully, our internal debates have been settled and all parties have reached an agreement. The jist of it is, D-Con is not yet confirmed to run in 2012. However! We're very pleased to announce that the brand new, free, anime/art convention "Dee-Con" will be running on Saturday the 7th of April 2012.
D-Con is en event organised by former Animation students of DJCAD, as those organisers have now successfully graduated, it is our intention (as current Animation students) to continue to support the Animation department and host another free anime/art convention in Dundee. Dee-Con is the result of this.
We'd like to acknowledge that this event wouldn't be possible without the continued efforts of the team who brought you D-Con. As far as we're aware, they are looking into ways to expand D-Con out-with the University of Dundee so hopefully we've not seen the last of it.
In the mean time however, we're glad to accept their approval in order to bring you, the fans, another free anime/art convention that is up to the standard you've come to expect from Dundee. We'll have plenty of exhibitors, entertainment, video game tournaments, live music, presentations, demonstrations and promotions to ensure you get a top quality experience as always.
We'll release more details next week once we've got everything in order, what we can confirm at the moment is that Dee-Con 2012 will take place for one day only on Saturday the 7th of April. We apologise for the change in date, but the 31st clashed with 2 other UK conventions and hosting ours on the same date was not an option. There will also be an official 18+ Dee-Con afterparty in The Union, which you might want to take into consideration when planning your arrangements.
There will be a call for artists and exhibitors next week (beginning the 23rd).
Please follow us on Facebook here to ensure you don't miss out on anything important.
Please follow us on Facebook here to ensure you don't miss out on anything important.
Stay tuned for more information, and we hope you're as excited as we are!
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